Tyler Burslie's reading response to chapter 9 of The Antibiotic Paradox

I enjoyed the stories about people proclaiming that they needed an antibiotic for every little thing that made them sick, and what i found interesting was that the doctors, most of the time, prescribed them to the patients. I think that the masses are truly uneducated when it comes to what antibiotics really do. What is even more interesting to find out is that some of these people either stopped the medication to early or saved their old prescriptions for future uses. This chapter, just like many others, has showed just how much the general public really knows about medicating the proper way,but not all of the blame can be put on the general public. What i really am having a tough time understanding is that the doctors KNOWINGLY prescribed antibiotics when, in all reality, they didn't have to. Even though we live in a capitalistic society, i am disturbed of the fact that some of these doctors or pharmacists would be more interested with making a dollar than truly helping not only the patient, but the whole population by not prescribing antibiotics when they don't have to. I found this chapter to be a little bit more entertaining, not just by the stories, but with some of the pictures as well.