Ashley Abernathey's reading response to The Antibiotic Paradox, chapters 10 & 11

Around the house many people use cleaning supplies that contain antimicrobials. I knew these products were antiseptics and disinfectants, but what I didn't realize was how big of a part they play in antibiotic resistance. After reading chapter 10 it makes me wonder how clean my house really is. With all of these products people believe that they are miracle workers and they rid any surface of bacteria. But what people don't know is that some bacteria may become resistant to that cleaner, which may also be resistant to antibiotics as well.

Another thing chapter 10 touches on is the rise of allergies and asthmas. Some parents freak out about sending their children to day care because of the exposure to sickness. However, this may not be such a bad thing. Exposing children to friendly microbes will build their immune system against disease-causing microorganisms. If an immune system fails to develop like this, exposure to various external environmental stimuli may result in asthma and other allergic responses.

In chapter 11, I agree with Victoria about the fact on page 276 that at least half of the human use of antibiotics in the United States is unnecesary and innapropriate. That seems crazy to me! I knew we misused drugs alot, but not that much! Well at least the World is finally realizing this and The World Health Organization has named this public heath problem one of the three major health problems of the new century (pg. 313). Now hopefully with this awareness we can all work together to combat this rising health concern.