To: Dale Sullivan

From: Michael Aanes

Re: Project Update as of November 14, 2010

Dear Mr. Sullivan,

As you recall, my study is looking at the current rates of MRSA in the midwest and how many of those rates are community acquired and how many are hospital acquired. The purpose of this study is to determine if measures that are currently being taken in our communities and hospitals are effective in reducing the rates of MRSA.

So far, I have been able to complete significant research on the topic. This has been done at various dates through the start of this project. An article review of one of the pieces I am working on, discussing how it will contribute to my article was submitted on Oct. 11, 2010. Further more, a bibliography of a number of the articles that will be contributing to my project was submitted on Nov. 1, 2010. Throughout the start of the project, I have been looking for article that will provide additional information for my project. One of the largest hurdles I have encountered in doing in research is the limited availability of articles providing data on MRSA rates specifically to the midwest. I have addressed this problem by expanding my project to also comparing rates of MRSA from the midwest to various other points in the nation during a specific time period which will be determined as I continue my research. Additionally, due to the limited number of MRSA rates in general, I had to expand my research to include data from 2000 on. Previously, I aimed to provide data from 2005 to present. However, I feel that increasing my date range could provide a better picture as to what the rates of MRSA have been doing, as frequently, data collected over a shorter time period could miss some important changes in the rates of MRSA in the last decade.

Up to this date, I have been compiling the information I have received thus far in preparation of submitting my first draft. However, due to some set backs, I am not as far along as I would like to be. The biggest set backs I have had include the inability to reach by phone the appropriate person at the North Dakota Department of Health. Thus far, I have left 2 messages and received one call back but was unable to answer due to a previous obligation. I hope that I am able to touch base with my contact at the NDDH the week of November 15th. Additionally, the person that I need to speak to at the Minnesota Department of Health has been on vacation the past week and will hopefully be able to reach this person via telephone on either the 15th or 16th of November. Up to this point, the people that I have spoken with at the NDDH and MDH have indicated that these individuals will be able to provide me with current MRSA rates in the respective states which will provide a significant contribution to my project. With the current rate of progress I have been making with minimal set backs, it will be no trouble to have my first draft for your review in by November 24th, 2010. The work has presented it's challenges, but I feel that we will both be pleased with the outcome of this study.

Please be in contact with any additional questions.

Respectfully Submitted

Michael Aanes