Laws to Live By: 6&7
Evangel High School Class
Series: Laws to Live By

Commandments #6 and #7

The sixth and seventh commandments are:

You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery. Exodus 20:13&14

Murder from the beginning

Copy Genesis 1:27


Why should human life be sacred?

Consider the story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-12).
What led up to Cain's killing Abel?

What happened after the murder?
. According to I John 3:12, why did Cain kill Abel?

. According to James 4:1-2, where does the motive to kill come from?

. What does Genesis 9:5&6 teach about God's view of murder?

What things are equivalent to murder when it comes to attitudes? See Matthew 5:21&22.

What's Wrong with Adultery?

Consider the psychology of adultery.

What does Jesus say is the core meaning of adultery? See Matthew 5:27-29.

How are our emotions and our sense of identity related to having sex?

From God's perspective, what happens when two people engage in sex? I Corinthians 6:15-17.

Why, then, is using someone else to gratify a momentary desire wrong?

Consider the symbolism of marriage.

Ephesians 5:25-32: What does marriage represent?

What happens to the symbol if the husband commits adultery?

What happenst to the symbol if the wife commits adultery?

Consider the consequences of adultery.

Proverbs 7:4-27: How does one get led into adultery, and what are the results?

What other consequences can follow from sex outside of marriage?

Jealousy leads to hatred; hatred leads to murder. Putting oneself in the way of temptation leads to lust; lust leads to sex outside of marriage. Taking of life leads others to seek revenge; taking the love that belongs to someone else leads others to seek revenge.

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Series written and published to the Web by Dale Sullivan