Advanced Preparation

  1. Pray that God will help you understand and retain what you study.
  2. Get the lesson ahead of time and read it thoroughly.
  3. Read the Bible passages listed on the lesson.
  4. Answer the discussion questions briefly on a piece of paper and note where you found the answer in the Bible.
  5. Review your notes a half hour or an hour before you lead discussion.
Being There!
  1. Arrive a few minutes early to have time to talk to the teacher about your part in the class.
  2. When the class is turned over to you, begin with prayer that God will open our eyes and help us to discuss His Word wisely.
  3. If the lessons haven't been handed out, hand them out now.
  4. Tell everyone what the lesson is about and have people take turns reading the lesson summary aloud.
  5. Ask the first discussion question and wait at least 20 second for someone to answer. If no one answers, ask someone to look up the verse that you know has the answer (see A. 4. above).
  6. After the verse is read, ask the question again.
  7. If people begin to discuss the questions (great!), let 2 to 5 of them make contributions and then say something like, "Let's go on to the next question."
  8. After the class has discussed all of the questions, thank them for their participation and turn the class back over to the teacher.
Considering the Outcome
  1. When you have a chance to think about it, thank God for letting you serve Him and ask Him to help you to learn to serve him more in the future.
  2. Talk to the class teacher or write in your journal about what you found difficult and what you liked about leading discussion.
  3. Write down any ideas you have about what you want to remember to do next time you lead.
  4. Let the teacher know that you want to lead discussion again.